About The Service

I have been working as a PHP Laravel Software Engineer for 6 years in solution designing, developing, deploying, testing, and debugging of large-scale applications with a clear focus on customer needs, business goals, security, and scalability. Highly optimized applications on large scale. Combin VueJs with Laravel to create your next-level applications. My Tech Stack: Laravel, MYSQL, Database architecture, VueJs, Vuex, Inertia, Livewire, AlpineJs, REST API, Payment gateways, Cloud (Linode, Forge, Digital Ocean, etc), API documentations, Javascript, Jquery, Ajax, Bootstrap, Tailwind, CSS3
Development & IT Services
Java Communication JavaScript PHP Azure Responsive design CSS Project Management Elementor/Divi WooCommerce HTML/CSS Software Testing Backend tech HTML5 WordPress e-Commerce Elementor PSD to WordPress Plugin Customization Data Scraping Directory Data Analysis App Development Design Mockup Admin Support

Other Infomation

What we offer?
  • DB Design
  • Software Design Principles (KISS, DRY)
  • Software Design Patterns (Singleton, Facade, Adapter, Builder, Bridge, etc)
  • TDD Unit testing
  • Real-Time Pushes
  • API Documentation
  • Middlewares
  • Advance Laravel Concepts (Eloquents, Package development, Dusk, Cashier, Listeners, etc)
  • Video call implementations
  • Real-time chat systems
  • Performance Improvements
Target audience for our service
Web Stack: PHP, Laravel, Livewire, Inertia, Vue.js, JS, JQuery, Bootstrap, Tailwind, BootstrapVue, HTML5/CSS3,
  • Data Stack: My SQL, PostgreSQL, Database architectures
  • Cloud-Servers: Digital Oceans, Linode, Laravel Forge
  • Auth: JWT, OAuth, FB, Google, Insta
Services types
Why choose us?
I am a full stack developer ( Laravel / Vue.js ) with six years of experience. I have been using Laravel since the 5.2 version. Working on big projects to generate big revenue. Implementing all new Laravel concepts in my projects. Handling Big databa
After work support

$ 20.00

Basic I will fix some bugs in existing php laravel website.
Completion : 2 Month 20 Day
Total Revision : 2

$ 35.00

Standard I will implement new features in your existing app.
Completion : 5 Month 24 Day
Total Revision : 5

$ 65.00

Premium I will create a website upto 5 pages.
Completion : 9 Month 12 Day
Total Revision : 9

5.00/5 (1)